The delivery of safe modern medicine is underpinned by secure technology. In few other sectors do decisions made about technology and its security have the ability to so profoundly impact human lives and wellbeing.
In line with CyberCX’s mission to protect and secure our communities, this report has been designed to set out the key cyber threats, and associated risks, confronting these adjacent pillars of the healthcare system and to highlight what organisations can do to safeguard patients and their health outcomes to build a more secure, trusted, and resilient sector.


Industry and sub-sector insights

AI: the 2025 opportunity and threat driver to watch

Top cyber extortion groups targeting healthcare

Recommendations to mitigate risks

Download the report

CyberCX Cyber Intelligence
CyberCX Intelligence is a unique Australia and New Zealand capability, with unparalleled visibility into our region. We have the information, access and context to give our partners a decision advantage.